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7MS #662: Pentesting Potatoes – Part 2

Hi friends, today we're talking about pentesting potatoes (not really, but this episode is sort of a homage to episode 333 where I went to Boise to do a controls assessment and ended up doing an impromptu physical pentest and social engineer exercise).  I talk about what a blast I'm having hunting APTs in XINTRA LABS, and two cool tools I'm building with the help [...]

By |February 14, 2025|Categories: podcast|Tags: |

7MS #661: Baby’s First Hetzner and Ludus – Part 2

Today we continue our journey from last week where we spun up a Hetzner cloud server and Ludus.cloud SCCM pentesting range!  Topics include: Building a Proxmox Backup Server (this YouTube video was super helpful) Bridging a second WAN IP to the Hetzner/Ludus server Wrestling with the Hetzner (10-rule limit!) software firewall When attacking SCCM - you can get a version of pxethief that runs in [...]

By |February 7, 2025|Categories: podcast|Tags: , |

7MS #660: Baby’s First Hetzner and Ludus

I had an absolute ball this week spinning up my first Hetzner server, though it was not without some drama (firewall config frustrations and failing hard drives).  Once I got past that, though, I got my first taste of the amazing world of Ludus.cloud, where I spun up a vulnerable Microsoft SCCM lab and have started to pwn it.  Can't say enough good things about [...]

By |January 31, 2025|Categories: podcast|Tags: , |

7MS #659: Eating the Security Dog Food – Part 8

 Today I'm excited about some tools/automation I've been working on to help shore up the 7MinSec security program, including: Using Retype as a document repository Leveraging the Nessus API to automate the downloading/correlating of scan data Monitoring markdown files for "last update" changes using a basic Python script

By |January 24, 2025|Categories: podcast|Tags: |

7MS #657: Writing Rad Security Documentation with Retype

Hello friends!  Today we're talking about a neat and quick-to-setup documentation service called Retype.  In a nutshell, you can get Retype installed on GitHub pages in about 5 minutes and be writing beautiful markdown pages (with built-in search) immediately.  I still absolutely love Docusaurus, but I think Retype definitely gives it a run for its money.

By |January 10, 2025|Categories: podcast|Tags: |

7MS #655: Happy Hacking Holidays

 Today we're doing a milkshake of several topics: wireless pentest pwnage, automating the boring pentest stuff with cursor.ai, and some closing business thoughts at 7MinSec celebrates its 7th year as a security consultancy.  Links discussed today: AWUS036ACH wifi card (not my favorite anymore) Panda PAU09 N600 (love this one!) The very important Github issue that helped me better understand BPFs and WPA3 attacks TrustedSec [...]

By |December 29, 2024|Categories: podcast|Tags: , |

7MS #654: Tales of Pentest Pwnage – Part 67

Today we've got some super cool stuff to cover today!  First up, BPATTY v1.4 is out and has a slug of cool things: A whole new section on old-school wifi tools like airmon-ng, aireplay-ng and airodump-ng Syntax on using two different tools to parse creds from Dehashed An updated tutorial on using Gophish for phishing campaigns The cocoa-flavored cherry on top is a tale of [...]

By |December 13, 2024|Categories: podcast|Tags: |
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