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7MS #588: Becoming a Sysmon Sensei with Amanda Berlin

Today Amanda Berlin from Blumira teaches us how to unlock the power of Sysmon so we can gain insight into the good, bad and ugly things happening on our corporate endpoints!  Key takeaways:Sysmon turns your windows logging up to 11, and pairs well with a config file like this one or this one.Careful if you are are running sysmon on non-SSD drives - the intense [...]

By |September 8, 2023|Categories: podcast|Tags: , , |

7MS #586: DIY Pentest Dropbox Tips – Part 8

 Today, sadly, might be the last episode of DIY pentest dropbox tips for a while because I found (well, ChatGPT did actually) the missing link to 100% automate a Kali Linux install! Check episode #449 for more info on building your Kali preseed file, but essentially the last line in my file runs a kali.sh script to download/install all the pentest tools I want. [...]

By |August 25, 2023|Categories: podcast|Tags: , |

7MS #585: DIY Pentest Dropbox Tips – Part 7

Hey friends, today I'm super excited to share I found the missing link! Specifically, the missing piece that now allows me to create *fully automated* Windows 10 installs that serve as virtual pentest jumpboxes. Here are the high points: * When your deployment script is finishing and you need the system to reboot and run some final commands, temporarily add your account as an auto-login [...]

By |August 18, 2023|Categories: podcast|Tags: , |

7MS #583: Cred-Capturing Phishing with Caddy Server

 Today we talk about crafting cool cred-capturing phishing campaigns with Caddy server! Here's a quick set of install commands for Ubuntu: sudo apt install -y debian-keyring debian-archive-keyring apt-transport-https curl -1sLf 'https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/caddy/stable/gpg.key' | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/caddy-stable-archive-keyring.gpg curl -1sLf 'https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/caddy/stable/debian.deb.txt' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/caddy-stable.list sudo apt update sudo apt install caddy -y   Create an empty directory for your new site, and then create [...]

By |August 4, 2023|Categories: podcast|Tags: |

7MS #582: Using Wazuh as a SIEM for Work and Home

 Today we had a blast playing with Wazuh as a SIEM you can use for work and/or home. Inspiration for this episode came from Network Chuck. This one-liner will literally get Wazuh installed in about 5 minutes: curl -sO https://packages.wazuh.com/4.7/wazuh-install.sh && sudo bash ./wazuh-install.sh -a P.S. if you accidentally close your command window before writing down the admin password (like I did), you can [...]

By |July 31, 2023|Categories: podcast|

7MS #581: Tales of Pentest Pwnage – Part 49

(Sorry, I don't know how to count. The video says it's pwnage part 48, but it's actually part 49)Oooo, giggidy! Today's tale of pentest pwnage is about pwning vCenter with CVE-2021-44228 - a vulnerability that lets us bypass authentication entirely and do/take what we want from vCenter! Key links to make the magic happen:How to exploit log4j manually in vCenterHow to automate the attack!Tool to [...]

By |July 21, 2023|Categories: podcast|Tags: |

7MS #580: Hacking Tommy Callahan – Part 3

Today me and my pal Paul from Project7 did a live hacking session and finally got the Callahan Auto brake pad Web app back online! Hopefully you enjoyed this hacking series. The feedback has been great, so we may have to take a crack at Billy in the near future as well.

By |July 17, 2023|Categories: podcast|Tags: |

7MS #579: Hacking Tommy Callahan – Part 2

Hey friends, today we're continuing our series on pwning the Tommy Boy VM on VulnHub VM! P.S. did you miss part one? Check it out on YouTube. Joe "The Machine" Skeen and I had a blast poking and prodding at the VM in hopes to fix the broken Callahan Auto brake-ordering Web app. Some tips/tricks we cover:It's always a good idea to look at a [...]

By |July 7, 2023|Categories: podcast|Tags: |

7MS #578: Interview with Mike Toole of Blumira

Today I'm excited to share a featured interview with our new friend Mike Toole of Blumira. We talk about all things EDR, including:How does it differ from something like Windows Defender?What things do I need to keep in mind if I'm in the market for an EDR purchase?Is Mac EDR any good?How do attackers bypass EDR?Will AI create industructible malware, take over the human race [...]

By |June 30, 2023|Categories: podcast|Tags: |
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