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7MS #554: Simple Ways to Test Your SIEM

Today we talk about Simple Ways to Test Your SIEM. Feel free to check out the YouTube version of this presentation, as well as our interview with Matt from Blumira for even more context, but here are the essential tools and commands covered:Port scanningnmap - basic nmap scanmassscan -p1-65535,U:1-65535 --rate=1000 -v - scan all 65k+ TCP and UDP ports!Password sprayingRubeus.exe spray /password:Winter2022! /outfile:pwned.txt [...]

By |January 6, 2023|Categories: podcast|Tags: , |

7MS #553: The Artificial Intelligence Throat Burn Episode

Hey friends, today's episode is hosted by an AI from Murf.ai because I suffered a throat injury over the holidays and spent Christmas morning in the emergency room! TLDL: I'm fine, but if you want the (sort of) gory details and an update on my condition after my ENT appointment, check out today's episode. Otherwise, we'll see you next week when our regularly scheduled security [...]

By |December 30, 2022|Categories: podcast|

7MS #552: Tales of Pentest Pwnage – Part 45

SafePass.me is the only enterprise solution to protect organizations against credential stuffing and password spraying attacks. Visit safepass.me for more details, and tell them 7 Minute Security sent you to get a 10% discount!Today's tale of pentest pwnage covers some of the following attacks/tools:Teleseer for packet capture visualizations on steroids!Copernic Desktop SearchRunning Responder as Responder.py -I eth0 -A will analyze traffic but not poison itI [...]

By |December 24, 2022|Categories: podcast|Tags: |

7MS #551: Interview with Matt Warner of Blumira

Today we welcome our pal Matthew Warner (CTO and co-founder of Blumira) back to the show for a third time (his first appearance was #507 and second was #529).I complained to Matt about how so many SIEM/SOC solutions don't catch early warning signs of evil things lurking in customer networks. Specifically, I whined about 7 specific, oft-missed attacks like port scanning, Kerberoasting, ASREPRoasting, password spraying [...]

By |December 16, 2022|Categories: podcast|Tags: , |

7MS #550: Tales of Pentest Fail – Part 5

This podcast is sponsored by Arctic Wolf, whose Concierge Security teams Monitor, Detect and Respond to Cyber threats 24/7 for thousands of customers around the world. Arctic Wolf. Redefining cybersecurity. Visit Arcticwolf.com/7MS to learn more.Hey friends, today's episode is extra special because it's our first episode we've ever done live and with video(!). Will we do it again? Who knows. But anyway, we had a [...]

By |December 9, 2022|Categories: podcast|Tags: , , |

7MS #549: Interview with Christopher Fielder and Daniel Thanos of Arctic Wolf

This podcast is sponsored by Arctic Wolf, whose Concierge Security teams Monitor, Detect and Respond to Cyber threats 24/7 for thousands of customers around the world. Arctic Wolf. Redefining cybersecurity. Visit Arcticwolf.com/7MS to learn more.Today my friends Christopher Fielder and Daniel Thanos from Arctic Wolf chat with me about what kinds of icky things bad guys/gals are doing to our networks, and how we can [...]

By |December 2, 2022|Categories: podcast|Tags: |

7MS #548: Tales of Pentest Pwnage – Part 44

SafePass.me is the only enterprise solution to protect organizations against credential stuffing and password spraying attacks. Visit safepass.me for more details, and tell them 7 Minute Security sent you to get a 10% discount!Happy belated Thanksgiving!This is not a brag or a flex, but this episode covers a coveted achievement I haven't achieved in my whole life...until now: TDAD: Triple Domain Admin Dance!!!!1111!!!1!1!!!!We talk about [...]

By |November 25, 2022|Categories: podcast|Tags: |

7MS #547: Tales of Pentest Pwnage – Part 43

This podcast is sponsored by Arctic Wolf, whose Concierge Security teams Monitor, Detect and Respond to Cyber threats 24/7 for thousands of customers around the world. Arctic Wolf. Redefining cybersecurity. Visit Arcticwolf.com/7MS to learn more.Today we're talking about tales of pentest pwnage - specifically how much fun printers can be to get Active Directory creds. TLDL: get into a printer interface, adjust the LDAP lookup [...]

By |November 18, 2022|Categories: podcast|

7MS #546: Securing Your Mental Health – Part 3

This podcast is sponsored by Arctic Wolf, whose Concierge Security teams Monitor, Detect and Respond to Cyber threats 24/7 for thousands of customers around the world. Arctic Wolf. Redefining cybersecurity. Visit Arcticwolf.com/7MS to learn more.Today we're talking about securing your mental health! I share some behind-the-scenes info about my own mental health challenges, and share a great tip a counselor gave me for getting into [...]

By |November 11, 2022|Categories: podcast|Tags: |

7MS #545: First Impressions of Snipe-IT

Today’s episode of the 7 Minute Security podcast is brought to you by Blumira, which provides easy-to-use automated detection and response that can be set up in…well..about 7 minutes. Detect and resolve security threats faster, and prevent breaches. Try it free today at blumira.com/7ms.Hey friends, today we're giving you a first impressions look at a free easy asset management tool called Snipe-IT you can use [...]

By |November 4, 2022|Categories: podcast|Tags: , |

7MS #544: Interview with Nato Riley of Blumira

Today’s episode is brought to us by Blumira, which provides easy to use, automated detection and response that can be setup in…well…about 7 minutes! Detect and resolve security threats faster and prevent breaches. Try it free today at blumira.com/7ms!Today we have a really fun interview with Nato Riley of Blumira. He cut his IT/security teeth working for a cell phone company, exorcising malware demons out [...]

By |October 28, 2022|Categories: podcast|Tags: |
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