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7MS #543: How to Succeed in Business Without Really Crying – Part 12

This podcast is sponsored by Arctic Wolf, whose Concierge Security teams Monitor, Detect and Respond to Cyber threats 24/7 for thousands of customers around the world. Arctic Wolf. Redefining cybersecurity. Visit Arcticwolf.com/7MS to learn more.Hey friends! Today we talk about a SoSaaS (Spreadsheet on Steroids as a Service...not a real thing) that is helping 7MinSec be more organized - both from a project standpoint and [...]

By |October 21, 2022|Categories: podcast|Tags: |

7MS #542: Eating the Security Dog Food – Part 5

This podcast is sponsored by Arctic Wolf, whose Concierge Security teams Monitor, Detect and Respond to Cyber threats 24/7 for thousands of customers around the world. Arctic Wolf. Redefining cybersecurity. Visit Arcticwolf.com/7MS to learn more.In today's episode we talk more about eating the security dog food (following the best practices we preach!). Specifically, we focus on keeping that bloated email inbox a little more lean [...]

By |October 14, 2022|Categories: podcast|Tags: |

7MS #541: Tales of Blue Team Bliss – Part 2

SafePass.me is the only enterprise solution to protect organizations against credential stuffing and password spraying attacks. Visit safepass.me for more details, and tell them 7 Minute Security sent you to get a 10% discount!Today we talk about configuring your Active Directory with MFA protection thanks to AuthLite.In the tangent department, we give you a short, non-spoilery review of the film Smile.

By |October 7, 2022|Categories: podcast|Tags: |

7MS #540: Tales of Blue Team Bliss

Today we're excited to kick off a new series all about blue team bliss - in other words, we're talking about pentest stories where the blue team controls kicked our butt a little bit! Topics include:The ms-ds-machineaccount-quota value is not an "all or nothing" option! Check out Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment > [...]

By |September 30, 2022|Categories: podcast|Tags: |

7MS #539: Eating the Security Dog Food – Part 4

This podcast is sponsored by Arctic Wolf, whose Concierge Security teams Monitor, Detect and Respond to Cyber threats 24/7 for thousands of customers around the world. Arctic Wolf. Redefining cybersecurity. Visit Arcticwolf.com/7MS to learn more.Today we revisit a series we haven’t touched in a long time all about eating the security dog food. TLDL about this series is I often find myself preaching security best [...]

By |September 23, 2022|Categories: podcast|Tags: |

7MS #538: First Impressions of Airlock Digital

SafePass.me is the only enterprise solution to protect organizations against credential stuffing and password spraying attacks. Visit safepass.me for more details, and tell them 7 Minute Security sent you to get a 10% discount!Hey friends! Today we're giving you a first impressions episode all about Airlock Digital, an application allowlisting solution. They were kind enough to let us play with it in our lab with [...]

By |September 16, 2022|Categories: podcast|Tags: , |

7MS #537: Tales of Pentest Pwnage – Part 42

Today’s episode is brought to us by Blumira, which provides easy to use, automated detection and response that can be setup in…well…about 7 minutes! Detect and resolve security threats faster and prevent breaches. Try it free today at blumira.com/7ms!In today's episode we share some tips we've picked up in the last few weeks of pentesting, with hopes it will save you from at least a [...]

By |September 9, 2022|Categories: podcast|Tags: |

7MS #536: Interview with Amanda Berlin of Blumira

Today we're so excited to welcome Amanda Berlin, Lead Incident Detection Engineer at Blumira, back to the show (did you miss Amanda's first appearance on the show?  Check it out here)!  You might already be familiar with Amanda's awesome Defensive Security Handbook or her work with the Mental Health Hackers organization.  Today we virtually sat down to tackle a variety of topics and questions, including:What [...]

By |September 2, 2022|Categories: podcast|Tags: |

7MS #535: Rage Against the Remediation

This podcast is sponsored by Arctic Wolf, whose Concierge Security teams Monitor, Detect and Respond to Cyber threats 24/7 for thousands of customers around the world. Arctic Wolf. Redefining cybersecurity. Visit Arcticwolf.com/7MS to learn more.Today's episode covers three remediation-focused topics that kind of grind my gears and/or get me frustrated with myself. I'm curious for your thoughts on these, so reach out via Slack or [...]

By |August 28, 2022|Categories: podcast|Tags: |

7MS #534: Tales of Pentest Pwnage – Part 41

This podcast is sponsored by Arctic Wolf, whose Concierge Security teams Monitor, Detect and Respond to Cyber threats 24/7 for thousands of customers around the world. Arctic Wolf. Redefining cybersecurity. Visit Arcticwolf.com/7MS to learn more. Hey friends, today we share the (hopefully) thrilling conclusion of last week's pentest. Here are some key points: If you find you have local admin on a bunch of privileges [...]

By |August 19, 2022|Categories: podcast|Tags: |

7MS #533: Tales of Pentest Pwnage – Part 40

This podcast is sponsored by Arctic Wolf, whose Concierge Security teams Monitor, Detect and Respond to Cyber threats 24/7 for thousands of customers around the world. Arctic Wolf. Redefining cybersecurity. Visit Arcticwolf.com/7MS to learn more.Ok, ok, I know.  I almost always say something like "Today is my favorite tale of pentest pwnage."  And guess what?  Today is my favorite tale of pentest pwnage, and I [...]

By |August 12, 2022|Categories: podcast|Tags: |
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