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7MS #477: Cobalt Strike for Newbs

This podcast is sponsored by Arctic Wolf, whose Concierge Security teams Monitor, Detect and Respond to Cyber threats 24/7 for thousands of customers around the world. Arctic Wolf. Redefining cybersecurity. Visit Arcticwolf.com/7MS to learn more.Today we're talking about Cobalt Strike for newbs - including how to get it up and running, as well as some tools that will help you generate beacons while evading EDR [...]

By |July 21, 2021|Categories: podcast|Tags: , |

7MS #476: Tales of Pentest Pwnage – Part 28

This episode of 7 Minute Security is sponsored by Datadog. Now offering Cloud Security Posture Management (CPSM), Datadog provides one-click compliance posture. Built on the unified Datadog Agent and platform-wide cloud integrations, you can easily get set up minutes. Try it for yourself today and get a free Datadog t-shirt by going to http://datadog.com/7msSTOP! If you didn't listen to last week's episode you might want [...]

By |July 16, 2021|Categories: podcast|Tags: |

7MS #475: Tales of Internal Network Pentest Pwnage – Part 27

SafePass.me is the only enterprise solution to protect organizations against credential stuffing and password spraying attacks. Visit safepass.me for more details, and tell them 7 Minute Security sent you to get a 10% discount!Yeahhhhhh! Today's another fun tale of pentest pwnage, including:The importance of starting your pentest with an AD account that actually has access to...ya know...stuffThe importance of starting your pentest plugged into a [...]

By |July 8, 2021|Categories: podcast|Tags: |

7MS #474: Password Cracking in the Cloud – Part 3

Hey friends! Today we're dusting off an old mini-series about password cracking in the cloud (check out part 1 and part 2) and sharing some awesome info on building a monster of a cracking rig in AWS!One reason we haven't talked about password cracking in the cloud in a while is because back in winter of 2019 I built baby's first password cracking. Unfortunately, this [...]

By |June 30, 2021|Categories: podcast|Tags: |

7MS #473: Interview with Nikhil Mittal

Hey everybody! Today Joe and I sat down with Nikhil Mittal of Pentester Academy and Altered Security to talk about a whole slew of fun security topics:How Nikhil first got involved in Pentester AcademyNikhil's hacker origin storyHow does Nikhil feel about his tools being used by baddies?What security tools/defenses would be good for SMBs to focus on?Active Directory security - is all hope lost?Will AI, [...]

By |June 24, 2021|Categories: podcast|Tags: |

7MS #472: Interview with Christopher Fielder

Today our good pal Christopher Fielder from Arctic Wolf is back for an interview three-peat! He joins Joe "The Machine" Skeen (a.k.a. Gh0sthax) and I to talk about all things ransomware, including:How the Colonial Pipeline incident may have started from a weak VPN cred with no MFA. Silver lining (?) - they got some of the $ back.Was the federal government's response good enough? What [...]

By |June 16, 2021|Categories: podcast|Tags: |

7MS #471: Cyber News – Ransomware Should Run Somewhere Edition

Hey everybody, happy June! Our pal Joe is back to cover some great security stories with us, including:Peloton's leaky APISome Colonial Pipeline discussion (story 1, story 2)Amazon Sidewalk doesn't really share your Internet connection with neighbors/strangers. The Hacker News article doesn't do an awesome job of clearing that up either.

By |June 9, 2021|Categories: podcast|Tags: |

7MS #470: First Impressions of Meraki Networking Gear

Today we're doing something new - a first impressions episode of Meraki networking gear. Note: this is not a sponsored episode, but rather a follow up to episode #460 where I talked about throwing all my UniFi gear into the ocean and replacing it with Meraki gear. At the end of that episode I asked if anybody was interested in a "first impressions" of the [...]

By |June 2, 2021|Categories: podcast|Tags: |

7MS #469: Interview with Philippe Humeau of CrowdSec

Hey friends! Today we're talking with Philippe Humeau, CEO of CrowdSec, which is "an open-source massively multiplayer firewall able to analyze visitor behavior & provide an adapted response to all kinds of attacks. It also leverages the crowd power to generate a global IP reputation database to protect the user network."I came into this interview not knowing much at all about CrowdSec, so I peppered [...]

By |May 26, 2021|Categories: podcast|Tags: |

7MS #468: Eating the Security Dog Food – Part 3

This podcast is sponsored by Arctic Wolf, whose Concierge Security teams Monitor, Detect and Respond to Cyber threats 24/7 for thousands of customers around the world. Arctic Wolf. Redefining cybersecurity. Visit Arcticwolf.com/7MS to learn more.Today we continue the series on eating your own security dog food! Specifically, we talk about:Keeping a log and procedure for sanitizing systemsKeeping a log and procedure for provisioning systemsA big [...]

By |May 20, 2021|Categories: podcast|Tags: |

7MS #467: How to Succeed in Business Without Really Crying – Part 9

SafePass.me is the only enterprise solution to protect organizations against credential stuffing and password spraying attacks. Visit safepass.me for more details, and tell them 7 Minute Security sent you to get a 10% discount!Hey everybody! I stayed in a hotel for the first time in over a year and boy oh boy...I hope I didn't get COVID from the bedsheets!Anyhow, on that journey I thought [...]

By |May 12, 2021|Categories: podcast|Tags: |
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